Aurora Whip - Are you looking for some accessories to use with your cream charger?
Browse our range of tools and accessories for making whipped cream at home. We've designed our products to make the whole process quick and easy so you can enjoy delicious whipped cream in no time. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, Aurora Whip has the perfect whipped cream accessories to help you create the perfect whipped cream every time.
Buy it now and step up your dessert game!
Regulator Set:
Aurora Whip - What is a Nitrous Oxide Pressure Regulator?
A nitrous oxide pressure regulator is a device used to control the flow of nitrous oxide in a system. It regulates the pressure of nitrous oxide so that it can be safely released into the engine or other environment. The Nitrous Oxide Pressure Regulator designs for use with Nitrous Oxide systems to regulate pressure from 400 psi to 2000 psi. It also controls the release of nitrous oxide so that it can safely dispense into the engine or other environments. Nitrous oxide pressure regulators are essential in any nitrous oxide system as they help ensure that the nitrous oxide is released in a controlled manner.
How to use the regulator?
- Connect pressure regulators, cream whippers and other components. Detach the adapter from the pressure regulator hose and tighten it to the cream whip.
- Pour all recipe ingredients into a creamer whipper and secure the lid.
- In the third step, making sure the flow switch is off, connect the pressure regulator hose to the cream dispenser. There will be a click when the regulator is attached.
- After the previous step, when the system fully connects, turn on the flow switch on the end of the nozzle and move the lever towards ON. Now, turn on the barometer clockwise and check the pressure on the barometer.
- After you hear the sound of gas flowing into the whipping dispenser.
-Once the sound of gas flow stops, turn off the flow switch in the direction off and make sure to keep it perpendicular to the pressure adjustment head.
- Now, disconnect the pressure regulator hose from the cream dispenser by compressing the connector and removing the cream whip.
- Shake the whisk to maintain a constant distribution of gas
- Attach a decorative head of your choice to the whipper for a fluffy, frothy texture.
Aurora Whip - Store Regulator:
Cream Whipper:
Cream whipper, we also call it whipping cream dispenser. It is a common kitchen tool that we use to make all types of desserts, creams, sauces, foams and especially whipped cream.
We sometimes call dispenser a ‘Syphon’ or ‘Whipper’, and is made of several components.
The first is the whisk body, or "chamber," made of aluminum or stainless steel. Then there's the top of the whipper, consisting of the valve and gasket. This part relies on the light bulb to pressurize the whisk, causing the whisk to instantly dissolve the gas into a liquid. When the valve is open, high pressure forces the liquid out of the nozzle, transforming the liquid into a whip, mousse or foam.
Basically, it's a handheld kitchen tool that helps blend ingredients together for a soft, pillowy texture.
Aurora Whip - Buy whippers: